When I say I will pray for someone, I am making a commitment to present them before the Lord, so I need to learn about prayer. If I am going to commit to do something for another, I should first know what it is and how God calls us to do it.
The first time I even see the term "prayer" is in Genesis 20:17, "Then Abraham prayed to God..." All throughout Genesis in versus 1 - 20 there is no word prayer. There was; speak, spoke, worshipped, praised, dreamt, heard, saw, etc. but no "Prayer". This was most probably because God was ever present and audible.
Prayer is communication with God in one direction. It is a conversation with God. Prayer is when you are speaking to God through the Spirit, but He is not presenting himself to you in a visual or auditory way. Adam onward engaged in what we now consider "prayer," it wasn't recorded as such when God was tangibly present on Earth and not until Abraham in Genesis 20:17.
By praying for others I am speaking to God at a time where He is here in Spirit, not flesh. He will not be speaking back to me audibly (that would be scary) but He will hear my prayers and He will answer them.
In Gen 20:17 it says, "Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and the other women..." Abraham prayed and God healed.
That is reason enough, right there to pray for others. I have learned that prayer is communication to God, and God hears and answers.
Given these truths, why wouldn't I prioritize allocating time for talking with God through prayer? Praying for others falls under the category of Intercessory Prayer—ushering another into the presence of God. Psalm 122:6-9 presents David's plea for Jerusalem, Acts 4:23-31 illustrates new believers united in prayer for courage among all believers, and the ultimate example is seen in Luke 23:34 where Jesus, while on the cross, prays to the Father, saying, "Forgive them..." He intercedes on behalf of the very soldiers mocking Him.
Praying for others is "lifting them to God" Proverbs 31:11-12 says, "Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She will not hinder him but help him all her life." What an incredible way to help; to pray and intercede for others. As women we are made to be a help and not a hinderance.
You may be thinking, "But I don't want to, I don't feel like it." especially if that person upset you. Or what if it is a coworker who you do not get along with? Many times we know we should pray for another, but it is not in our hearts to do so.
If you're like to me, finding joy in praying for loved ones comes naturally. You readily embrace the opportunity to intercede for someone in need. But how about when that individual isn't a friend—when you're unfamiliar with them or when you feel they're undeserving of your prayers? What about those times when you ought to pray, yet you dont want to?
Friend, scripture has a lot to say about that. I found 1 Samuel 13:23 to be the boldest to me: "As for me, I will certainly not sin against the Lord, by ending my prayers for you." Just before that Samuel says, "Don't be afraid, you have certainly done wrong, but make sure now that you worship the Lord with all your heart and that you don't turn your back on Him in any way." (v.20-22)
WOW, Samuel admonished the people for their sin, yet moves on to say he will continue to pray for them, so as to not sin himself.
I have learned from this time studying God's word,
(1) Pray (converse with Him)
(2) For others (Intercessory Prayer)
(3) Out of obedience (Because it is a sin if I don't, and sin is disobedience)
So now that I am clear as to what I am doing and why, I will face the next opportunity to pray for another with joy. I am encouraged to be a "help not a hindrance." I am fully trusting in God's promise to hear and answer my prayers, sometimes with a "No" or a "Not Now" but I will know that I was obedient in my call to pray for others.
*All scripture has been referenced or copied from the Life Application Study Bible NLT